Puerto Rico Taxes
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Puerto Rico Residency – Free Webinar
Establishing legal, "bona-fide" residency is the first step in a successful strategy to take advantage of Puerto Rico's tax incentives. Maintaining it ongoing is also critical! Should you be audited and found to not be in compliance with the Puerto Rico residency...
Transfer Pricing Webinar
Transfer pricing affects many businesses that relocate to Puerto Rico. This webinar series helps you determine what next steps may be needed.
Shipping in Puerto Rico
The Differences and Similarities of Mail and Express Shipping Services in Puerto Rico vs. the U.S.
Bringing Your Pet to Puerto Rico
In general it is totally fine to bring your pet with you to Puerto Rico, either on vacation or when moving here permanently. There is no quarantine period required when bringing a pet to Puerto Rico. There are lots of grooming, veterinary, and other services for pets....
Moving to Puerto Rico: What to Bring and How to Bring It
When moving to Puerto Rico, how do you decide what to bring, and how do you arrange for shipping if you are bringing a lot?