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Life in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is an amazing place to live and work!
With its moderate climate, strong infrastructure, many beautiful residential options, good private schools, and gorgeous nature preserves, many are finding that Puerto Rico is a wonderful place to live. We highly recommend coming to check it out!

If you do choose to investigate relocation options, we can help you every step of the way!


Benefits of Life in Puerto Rico

The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico offers:

  • Excellent tax advantages for many businesses and individuals
  • Amazing weather, year round!
  • A warm and friendly culture, and great places to see, including beautiful beaches
  • Comparable infrastructure and amenities to what is found in the mainland US
  • International airports
  • Many attractive places to live, to match any taste, including retirement communities
  • Cost of living comparable to that found in the States
  • Good health insurance options
  • Some excellent (private) schools


Living in a US Territory

If you are an American citizen who then becomes a legal resident of Puerto Rico, you remain a full citizen of the US. You still retain a US passport and do not need a visa or any special permits to relocate or work in Puerto Rico. You can start a business, buy property, register to vote, and anything else that a native Puerto Rican can do.

American citizens who are legal residents of Puerto Rico retain the same Constitutional rights, protected under the law, as all other American citizens. Commonwealth laws may vary from that of any State, just as those of any State may vary from that of any other. However, just as in each and all of the fifty States, laws local to the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico cannot circumvent the United States Constitution or the many rights that it affords to its citizens.

Though the Commonwealth has its own legal system, it is part of the US court system, subject to federal jurisdiction with respect to federal and Constitutional law, and has its own US Federal District Court.

Puerto Rico is outside of the jurisdiction of the United States Internal Revenue Service. Legal residents of Puerto Rico only become subject to taxation by the IRS if and when they engage in work or commerce within the jurisdiction of the IRS (such as within the legal territory of the fifty States). For those who are legal residents of Puerto Rico, work and commerce engaged in Puerto Rico is subject to local tax only and isn’t taxable by the IRS.

The US dollar is the legal tender of Puerto Rico, and banks in Puerto Rico work much the same as other US banks.

English and Spanish are both official languages, and though many Puerto Ricans are more fluent in Spanish, you don’t have to learn it to get around.

See our FAQ for answers to some common questions we have heard.


Do You Need Help Relocating to Puerto Rico?

Those of us relocating to Puerto Rico generally find it to be a fairly easy transition. You will need help, though, as there are some key differences as well. We managed our relocation ourselves – which is definitely the hard way! – and we have heard stories about people who hired local companies that made big promises that ended in disappointment.

We have been in your shoes, and we know what you need. We’ve found expert local partners who deliver what they promise, and we will manage them every step of the way. You will have a single point of contact who understands your needs and has the means to fulfill them. Our team includes bilingual members who understand how things work in Puerto Rico, and know how to get things done.

With a free initial consultation, we can help you decide if Puerto Rico is the right fit for your needs, contact us now to get started.


Helpful Resources from Other People’s Experiences:

This is not intended to be a comprehensive reference on life in Puerto Rico, but an overview, to give you a taste.  We also recommend the following expat blogs that are both entertaining and helpful in acclimating to Puerto Rico:

  • Abroad Dreams – Useful, practical information on a wide variety of content and subjects, from the real-life perspective of an expat’s first year living in Puerto Rico.
  • Alaskan family of five moves to Puerto Rico – As the title suggests, relocation experiences from a family perspective.
  • Caroline in the City – Travel blog focusing on tourism info and attractions.  Full of fun things to do and beautiful places to visit!
  • New to Puerto Rico – Up-to-date blog about a relocation by a family with young children relocating to Mayaguez, Puerto Rico.  Great practical information from a very personal perspective.
  • Polar Rico – Up-to-date blog about a family that relocated to Rincon, Puerto Rico with young children.  Interesting posts that focus on personal experiences, not so much practical information.

Another helpful site about Puerto Rico is Welcome to Puerto Rico, one of the longest-lived sites about Puerto Rico and its culture.

We Can Help

Our company helps people like you take advantage of Puerto Rico’s excellent tax incentives!  We can help you determine which tax incentives are right for you, help you plan your residency and relocation strategy, and simplify the entire process for you.

Contact us for a free initial consultation.


Free Webinars

Click below to register for:

* Puerto Rico Health Insurance Options 

* The Basics of Transfer Pricing

* The Rules of Puerto Rico Residency

* Puerto Rico Charitable Donation Options

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